April 30, 2010

Physical Attraction, Chemical Reaction

One of the conditions that my husband, Tim, gave me for putting Amelie back on the gluten and dairy free (GF/CF) diet
was that she was to be allergy tested. If a bona fide MD deemed her "allergic" to dairy and wheat, then he would be more receptive to a permanent diet change.
I had read and been counseled on a few things that made me slow to act to this request- mostly that gluten sensitivities do not show up on the standardized allergy test panels. We had observed so many positive results from the gluten elimination diet, that I didn't want some doctor's tests to come and debunk everything we've worked so hard to achieve.
Begrudgingly, I made the appointment with Dr. Tubiolo a pediatric allergist in Santa Barbara. In fact, my friend whose daughter has been diagnosed with Celiac Disease (an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine associated with sensitivity to gluten) had recommended Dr. Tubiolo, but also had said that she had finally got her diagnosis from testing done with a Homeopath. Tim is not so keen on the whole homeopathic thing.

We all went to the appointment together. They counseled us about what to expect which included a lot of questions, discussion and a 20 minute test where they stuck 3 panels of 8 common allergens into her skin to observe her histamine response.
Overall, she has allergic rhinitis and has probably inherited her father's tendency toward asthma. In the end, the only thing she showed an allergic reaction to was (drum roll.....) cats and dogs. Anyone who knows Amie knows that she loves (is OBSESSED with) all cats and dogs. I found this very ironic. Here we have been chasing this elusive "dairy allergy"- one that has her coughing into the night and bleary in the daylight- but all the time it was directly under her nose. Literally.
The one frustrating thing for me is that the doctor could not pinpoint an inability to process lactose and gluten with the tests he had. He did make that distinction, but the thing that stands out the most for Tim is his explanation of the "people out there" who would have you believe in these "miracle elimination diets". In a nutshell, he compared the faith in these diets to the faith one might have in religion. The diets being, in his opinion, not backed up by good science. He said that we had done our "due diligence" and now we just needed to ease up on the diet and give something else a try.

He asked us to try some mild children's allergy medicine for 2 weeks just to see if that helps. He explained how the annoying effects of a sensitive, allergy ridden child could be the very likely causing the behavioral issues we have been seeing.
So...another stone has been turned over. The answers and the path are never as clear as you'd like them to be- it's just hard to believe that it could be that simple. But, we're trying it for 2 weeks... doctors orders!

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